Here's how to attract clients with your story

Apr 28, 2021 8:06 pm

Hi ,

I wish I had known, way back in grade school, high school, and university, how important writing would be to every single aspect of my life.

My third and fourth-grade teacher, who I adored, started every morning with a short writing assignment. Sometimes it was a haiku poem or a couple of free flow sentences or a short story about something we had done or liked.

While I did well in the third grade, that ability and love for writing didn't make it to university and I didn't do so well in my freshman English class. I also lost my confidence and decided that not only I wasn't a good writer, but I also didn't like writing.

That mindset hasn't served me well over the years. It seems like a constant struggle, even to this day when I write all day long.

If I had known that business requires excellent writing skills, I would have worked harder to hone my skill. Everything you do as a business owner, especially online, requires writing...emails, blog posts, social media posts, video scripts, ebooks, lead magnets...the list goes on and on.

My writing has improved over the years, and I still feel it's a bit of a struggle.

And, I know I'm not alone in this struggle.

I envy those for whom writing comes with ease. But, if you're like me and struggle with your writing, why don't you consider joining for me a 4-hour writing workshop next week with my colleague Andy O'Bryan?

Andy is an expert copywriter and is offering a story selling workshop next Wednesday, May 5. He will show you how to craft your own story in a way that will pull people in.

Whether it’s an About page on your website, a Bio for a podcast interview, a story in your email nurture sequence, or your social media profiles, it’s critical to have your story front and center.

In this workshop, Andy will provide you with templates, outlines, and real-time screen sharing guidance. 

By the end of the 4-hour session, you will have three versions of your story ready to go.

While you’re checking out his page, make sure you read and watch his testimonials from his past workshop attendees (including me!).

These sessions are fun, engaging, and highly productive.

It’s time to tell your story in a way that will make people sit up, take notice, and hit the buy button!

This workshop will show you the way.

See you next week?


Your Guide to Better Visibility on the Web

(better writing = better visibility!)

P.S. Andy keeps his workshops small so you get lots of personal attention.

Learn to Write Stories that Sell


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