📚 5 Things: happiness is...

Feb 05, 2021 10:13 pm


Some previous editions of the 5 Things emails are archived here.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Hi ,

I hope you have had a wonderful week. Mine's been busy.

I'm working with two new clients, both startups in the health and wellness niche, with very different approaches, and both needing to build their online communities. One is exploring how to use Reddit for attracting an audience and the other is building out communities based on the types of work their members do with clients. Email marketing is going to be important for both for creating strong lines of communication. It's exciting to work with people whose goals are in alignment with my consulting sweet spot and also with my interests.

Plus I get to learn about Reddit which is a platform I've largely ignored until now. It's a whole different culture from most of the other social networks I spend time on. And in line with my personal pursuits, learning something completely new is excellent for maintaining good brain health!


And, now, 5 Things for you to read...

1) [Science] Good news! Neuroscientists Discover Promising Way to Restore Cognitive Function Impaired by Alzheimer’s Disease

2) [Brain Health] Based on my experience, this is the truth! At least the emotional health part. I almost always feel intense joy during and after hiking, whether it's a couple of miles in a park or 10 days in the Andes! Four ways hiking promotes cognitive and emotional health

3) [Emotional Health] They're not for everyone, but I do like guided meditations. They help move me out of my present monkey mind to a different space. This article includes 9 guided meditations (audio) How Guided Meditations Can Help You Live More Mindfully

4) [Art] I love a good art success story! You can take a girl out of the art world but you can't take the art world out of the girl. Must be my degree in Art History and years of working in art galleries promoting emerging artists. 🥰 The Gee's Bend Quilters Are Selling Their World-Renowned Wares on Etsy

5) [Memories] I lived in Eastern Ontario, Canada for 6 years, 2 of them in Ottawa. When I saw this headline I knew exactly the "rink" they were talking about. I took 6 weeks of skating lessons (I was the only adult with a bunch of kids!) so I could skate on the Rideau Canal. We lived just a couple of blocks away and I loved the Canal, during all seasons. This naturally frozen skating rink is the largest in the world (some people commute via the Canal in the winter, since Parliament Hill is just a few steps away in downtown Ottawa.)


If you missed it...the most clicked link from last week's 5 Things:

Compassion Meditation Changes The Brain

Your turn...what did you read last week that made you happy? Reply and let me know!

Wishing you a memorable weekend,


Your Guide To Better Visibility on the Web

Founder, Marketing Trailblazers Community

P.S. The next Get It Done Day Work Sprint is on the calendar...Friday, February 19th. Click here for all the details and registration.

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