Everything old is new again, right?

Jun 07, 2021 9:19 pm

Hey ,

You've probably heard me say before...I've been using the internet for my business for a long time, nearly 25 years (how did that happen!).

When I got started online in late 1996, there was very little in the way of info about how to harness the World Wide Web for business. But little by little, and by going down lots of rabbit holes, I found my way and discovered others who were doing the same.

By 1998 (I think), I had met some people who were building coaching businesses and then discovered bridge lines...conference lines where you could have up to 30 people on the phone line (expensive to rent then...now they are free). I started taking teleclasses.

Fast forward to yesterday, June 6, 2021. I checked out an email from a newish podcast hosting company whose focus is primarily on private podcasts and discovered an audio-only summit they were recommending.

Of course, I was intrigued. How retro! It harkens back to the days of telesummits. As I said, everything old is new again!

I checked it out and decided to register so I could study what they're doing, because, well, that's what I do. And, I'm interested in learning from new people.

The Rule Breakers Sales & Marketing Summit is free and is being delivered by audio via a podcast feed. No webinars! There's a VIP offer and at $37, I invested so I can dig in to see what's new and hot in the marketing arena.

Why do I do this and tell you about it? Because when you see something being done differently, that's when it's a good idea to stop and study what's happening. Is this a trend or a gimmick?

Private podcasts have been gaining attention and using a podcast feed to deliver a Summit is something I haven't seen before. Private podcasts are proving to be a trend for offering premium content and are therefore an opportunity to add a new income stream to your business.

I recently set up a private podcast for members of my Marketing Trailblazers Community. I know some people don't like watching videos, but they still want the content so I've started offering event replays via both video and audio. About 30% of my members have requested the audio replays.

Now I'm curious...have you noticed the trend towards private podcasts, and are you offering your customers and audience audio-only content? If you've got a moment, hit reply and let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you and what you think about offering audio content that goes beyond producing a show...

May you have a delightful week,


Your Guide To Better Visibility on the Web

P.S. And if you're wondering, I use Captivate.fm to host and manage my private audio feeds. It's super easy to use.


This email was sent to you by me, Denise Wakeman, because you opted in to receive email communications from me sometime in the last 15 years. Some or all links in this message may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make any purchases based on my recommendations.
