{{contact.first_name}}, this is the key to email marketing success

Mar 24, 2021 8:16 pm

Hi ,

Your email list is—hands down—your most important sales-generating asset. This has been true since 1996 when I first stepped into the online marketing world.

You've probably noticed that the more emails you send, the more money you make, too. Why? Because email is intimate one-to-one communication, regardless of how many recipients receive your broadcast. In the end, it is always an individual who receives the message.

The question is, how do you balance all of those sales emails with plenty of value, too? 

Cindy Bidar has a system for that, and you're going to love how easy she makes it. 

In her brand new course, Email Marketing Campaigns: How to Fill Your Calendar With Engaging Offers That Get Results, she's pulling back the curtain and showing you exactly how she:

  • Consistently earns five+ figures every single month, primarily through her email list (and with what many would call a "small" list, too!)
  • Writes sales emails that are so engaging she frequently gets notes of thanks from her readers (even when she's selling to them!)
  • Easily provides plenty of value alongside her offers (because no one wants to be sold to all the time) 
  • Turns her best-performing emails into evergreen earners that make sales over and over again (and without any more effort on her part)
  • Makes continual improvements to her email marketing game (that's the ultimate key to your success)


(Use promo code CAMPAIGNS at checkout to save 62%)

You don't have to be a rockstar copywriter or have a list of thousands to earn a great living through email marketing, and you definitely don't have to feel like a spammer every time you send an offer to your list. 

All you have to do is follow a proven system, and Email Marketing Campaigns is a great way to get started. 

Get it here before the coupon expires on March 28

May you have a prosperous day,


Your Guide to Better Visibility on the Web

P.S. Email is your #1 marketing tool. Cindy's system will guide you through the steps to make it more lucrative for you.


This email was sent to you by me, Denise Wakeman, because you opted in to receive email communications from me sometime in the last 15 years. Some or all links in this message may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make any purchases based on my recommendations.
