👉 Coming and going...Friday Roundup

Jun 04, 2021 8:45 pm

Hey ,

4 day weeks always discombobulate me. Monday was the Memorial Day holiday in the U.S. and even though I did a few business tasks, mostly I relaxed and took a long walk with a friend.

That means the week has been compressed into four days and it's been busy!

Along with the second week of hosting the 10-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge, there have been meetings, meetings, meetings, and keeping up with lots of marketing news and special offers.

One offer that ends today (sorry for the late notice!) is the Biz Template Babe's one-year membership. I decided to jump in because Sarah makes her Canva templates for social media, ebooks, lead magnets, journals, etc. so easy to use that they have saved me time and saving time, saves me money.

I had invested in one bundle of templates and liked them so much I decided to join her Lab membership for a year so I could get access to everything. Right now, today, there's a $150 discount on the membership as well as 3-pay and 6-pay plans. The membership also includes excellent tutorial videos on how to use and customize the templates for YOUR business.

If graphic design is not your thing and you want your graphics to look excellent, then take a look at what Sarah is offering and then decide whether or not it's right for you.

Yesterday, I watched a live (virtual) product launch announcement for Captivate.fm, the podcast hosting and marketing tool I use. They are launching their 2.0 upgrade next week and the marketing training and tools they include with their service are remarkable. The company is a great model for generosity.

Currently, I'm using Captivate to host a private podcast feed for members of the Marketing Trailblazers Community to offer event replays via audio in addition to video. This has proven to be a valuable add-on for members. The opportunities for monetizing private podcasts (courses, premium content) are growing so this is something you may want to consider as an additional income stream at some point.

Finally, coming up on June 18 is the next Get It Done Day Work Sprint. It's been one year since I started offering monthly work sprint days so I'm celebrating by reducing the registration to $10 (66% off). If you haven't booked off protected time to work on your projects in a virtual group, you owe it to yourself to try it.

The energy, the support, and the accountability of being in a group are what make these workdays so productive. Everyone ends the day (actually half-day - 4 hours) satisfied, happy, and feeling accomplished. Here's the info if you are curious and want to join us. (link includes the discount)

OK, heading out now to host the last day of the IF Challenge...

May you have a delightful weekend,


Your Guide to Better Visibility on the Web

Founder, Marketing Trailblazers Community


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