[Freebies] Two goodies from my friend Karon 🎁

May 28, 2021 9:14 pm

Hi ,

Happy Friday before the Memorial Day Holiday weekend (in the U.S.)! If you're observing the holiday, I wish you a day of peace and comfort in remembrance.

If you're enjoying a staycation this weekend, then it's a good day to share some free content from my colleague and friend, Karon Thackston, one of the best I know when it comes to creating content that converts to sales.

Today, I received info about a new - free- guide she's created: Secrets To Creating High-Converting Email Funnels … FAST!

Karon takes you through all the steps and email sequences for educating your subscriber so they can make an informed decision about whether or not a product is right for them.

The other freebie, that dovetails nicely with the guide, is a free e-course on How To Make More Affiliate Sales Without Selling.

When you read the guide, then go through the e-course you'll have a sweet and effective system for giving tremendous value to your audience while creating the potential for a lucrative affiliate income stream.

Building your business with multiple income streams is smart. Check out these two free offers from Karon Thackston if you're looking for a smart way to increase revenue from affiliate commissions.

May you have a peaceful weekend,


Your Guide to Better Visibility on the Web

P.S. The upcoming Get It Done Day on June 18, is a great way to spend time on creating a new income stream. Details here (includes 20 dollar coupon).


This email was sent to you by me, Denise Wakeman, because you opted in to receive email communications from me sometime in the last 15 years. Some or all links in this message may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make any purchases based on my recommendations.
