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Oct 10, 2020 12:37 pm

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Hi there,

Here's my weekly update for October 10th, 2020...

🎥 6prog for freelancers and their clients


6prog for freelancers and their clients

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🗒️ Andy and Murray catch up over a virtual coffee


Murray on 6progHey Murray, Good to see you albeit virtually.

What's new?

Hello Andy, After over 20 years business/change management experience in investment banking, I'm currently on a career break but keeping busy with volunteer work for the NHS and a local food bank.Sounds like you have utilised your commercial skills in a positive way.

Tell me a bit moreThe food bank work is very interesting and has certainly allowed me to utilise my management and process change experience.

The charity has collection points at local supermarkets which is then collected into the hub where food parcels are assembled and delivered to vulnerable and/or self-isolating people.

Referrals come from a variety of government agencies and other charities....

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Andrew Barnes
